Ep 77: “Hello, Ideal Client” — With Susan Danzig

Ep 77: “Hello, Ideal Client” — With Susan Danzig

In this marketplace, personalized service is what separates a financial advisor from an app. Knowing your ‘niche’ and your Ideal Client may be the key to a more prosperous —and satisfying — practice.  In this episode, Susan Danzig, a Certified Business Development Coach for financial advisors, joins David Partain to discuss the ‘why’ and ‘how’ …

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Ep 76: Are Advisors Missing the Forest for the Trees? – Kiley Miller on Sustainable Investing

Ep 76: Are Advisors Missing the Forest for the Trees? – Kiley Miller on Sustainable Investing

As sustainable investing grows in popularity, so do the misconceptions about its framework. In this episode, Laura Gregg and David Partain speak with Kiley Miller, Director of ESG Investment Solutions at Envestnet. Kiley is a passionate leader in the ESG investment space. She shares how she is working to help advisors better understand underlying value …

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Ep 75: ESG Investing: “This is where people are” – With Jon Hale, Morningstar

Ep 75: ESG Investing: “This is where people are” – With Jon Hale, Morningstar

Workers and consumers are holding businesses to higher standards. Why wouldn’t investors do the same?  As awareness of environmental, social and governance issues grows, more people are saying ‘I want an investment that’s going to help me reach my financial goals, but I’d like the more sustainable version, please’. In this episode, Laura Gregg and …

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Ep 74: What Makes a Healthy Workplace? – With Amy Dittman

Ep 74: What Makes a Healthy Workplace? – With Amy Dittman

A supportive work environment can improve performance, job satisfaction, and even client experience. Sometimes a little thing –– a better desk set-up, stepping away from the screen, or a confidential conversation — can make a surprisingly big difference. In this episode, Laura Gregg and David Partain talk with Amy Dittman, a Health Promotion Specialist working …

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Ep 73: Use ESG as a GPS Tool, Not a Moral Compass — With Jeff Gitterman

Ep 73: Use ESG as a GPS Tool, Not a Moral Compass — With Jeff Gitterman

Why is Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investing moving from marginal to mainstream? Aligning investments with values is just the beginning.  In this episode, Laura Gregg and David Partain talk with Jeffrey Gitterman, Co-Founding Partner and Creator of Sustainable, Impact, and ESG Investing Services at Gitterman Wealth Management, LLC. They discuss his passion as an …

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Ep 72: Building a More Successful – and Satisfying – Business Through Niche Marketing — With Kristen Luke

Ep 72: Building a More Successful – and Satisfying – Business Through Niche Marketing — With Kristen Luke

Trying to accommodate a wide range of client needs may actually limit your practice’s growth, your effectiveness, and your satisfaction. Targeting a niche that fits your specific experience and expertise can make a meaningful difference for you AND  your clients.  Kristen Luke is the president of Kaleido Creative Studio, a marketing agency specializing in helping …

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Ep 71: Are Your Clients “Really” Fine? With Julie Littlechild

Ep 71: Are Your Clients “Really” Fine? With Julie Littlechild

The right questions elevate good service to actual engagement. They build trust, confirm your credibility and, most important, provide valuable information you won’t capture on a client questionnaire.  In this episode, Laura Gregg and David Partain speak to Julie Littlechild, Founder and CEO of Absolute Engagement. They discuss the importance of going beyond “How are …

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Ep 70: Shiny Toy or Serious Solution? Enhancing Your Practice Digitally – With Adam Boyer

Ep 70: Shiny Toy or Serious Solution? Enhancing Your Practice Digitally – With Adam Boyer

Wow. That digital platform sure looks good. Sleek and sophisticated. Smart and fast.  So intuitive, it anticipates your every need – some you didn’t even know you have.  But will it help to enhance the client experience?  In this episode, Laura Gregg and David Partain talk with Adam Boyer, Head of Business Development at Emotomy. …

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Ep 69: How to Keep a Client (Hint: It’s Not All About Money) – With Barbara Healy

Ep 69: How to Keep a Client (Hint: It’s Not All About Money) – With Barbara Healy

Investors can build, manage and monitor their portfolios without ever talking to another human. So why do they choose an advisor? Personal connection. What makes them stay? A satisfying personal connection. In this episode, Laura Gregg and David Partain talk with Barbara Healy, Partner and Senior Financial Planner at Allworth Financial, about creating personal relationships …

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Ep 68: I’m Not a Therapist! When Clients Bring Up Emotional Issues – With Dr. Chloe Carmichael

Ep 68: I’m Not a Therapist! When Clients Bring Up Emotional Issues – With Dr. Chloe Carmichael

For many, the pandemic has triggered varying degrees of stress, anxiety and depression. Addressing it in the context of an advisor/client relationship can be uncomfortable. What can you do when emotional health becomes part of the conversation?  In this episode, Laura Gregg and David Partain talk with Dr. Chloe Carmichael, a clinical psychologist whose focus …

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