Tag: Business Building

Trust Strategies that Build Client Trust — With Nikè Anani (Ep. 105)

Trust Strategies that Build Client Trust — With Nikè Anani (Ep. 105)

Amid the Great Wealth Transfer, advisors are seeing a paradigm shift in the way clients are approaching their wealth and legacy strategies. In the second of a two-part series with Nikè Anani, Director of Next Generation for Northern Trust Wealth Management, The Flexible Advisor podcast looks at some ways in which advisors can help satisfy the objectives of a new, Rising Generation.

Nikè discusses: 

  • Incorporating the values and the aspirations of both the grantor and the recipients in wealth transfer planning
  • How you can help to empower Rising Generation clients 
  • The benefits of facilitating open, cross-generational communication
  • Alternative trust structures that may better align with your clients’ evolving priorities 
  • And more


Connect With Nikè Anani:

Connect With  Laura Gregg: 

Connect With  David Partain: 

About Our Guest:

Nikè Anani is the Director of Next Gen Advisory for Northern Trust Wealth Management. In her role, she prepares next-generation family members for the complexities of wealth ownership. Her personal experience as a second-generation owner and family office founder is the inspiration behind her passion for helping other next gens find their voice and become successful stewards.

An accomplished speaker and author on wealth and values transfer strategies, Nikè is the host of “The Connected Generation” podcast and the author of “Lifetime to Legacy: A New Vision for Multigenerational Family Businesses.”

Nikè earned an economics degree from University College London, is a chartered accountant, and has a certificate in Family Business and Family Wealth Advising from Family Firm Institute. She is a board member of YPO’s Global Family Business Networks, where she champions initiatives to support education and peer learning of the next generation. 

Helping a New Generation – and Your Practice – Ascend – with Nikè Anani (Ep. 104)

Helping a New Generation – and Your Practice – Ascend – with Nikè Anani (Ep. 104)

The emerging generation of adults — particularly family business owners — are grappling
with challenges and responsibilities their parents did not. In this episode, Laura Gregg speaks
with Nikè Anani, Director of Next Generation at Northern Trust Wealth Management. Based
on personal experience running her own enterprising family office and finding her joy and
purpose in consulting with rising gen people like herself. Nike identifies strategies you can use
to help empower these clients for ownership and leadership roles. See how targeted
communication can uncover key generational differences, deepen trust, and retain and grow

Nikè discusses: 

  • How the dynamics of her family helped her create the path she’s on today
  • What differentiates “rising generation” from “next generation”
  • The unique experiences and concerns facing the rising generation
  • How to deepen trust with these clients to retain and grow assets
  • Key aspects of a productive family meeting
  • And more


Connect With Nikè Anani:

Connect With Laura Gregg: 

Connect With David Partain: 

About Our Guest:

Nikè Anani is the Director of Next Gen Advisory for Northern Trust Wealth
Management. In her role, she prepares next-generation family members for the
complexities of wealth ownership. Her personal experience as a second-generation
owner and family office founder is the inspiration behind her passion for helping
other next gens find their voice and become successful stewards.
An accomplished speaker and author on wealth and values transfer strategies, Nikè
is the host of “The Connected Generation” podcast and the author of “Lifetime to
Legacy: A New Vision for Multigenerational Family Businesses.”
Nikè earned an economics degree from University College London, is a chartered
accountant, and has a certificate in Family Business and Family Wealth Advising
from Family Firm Institute. She is a board member of YPO’s Global Family Business
Networks, where she champions initiatives to support education and peer learning
of the next generation.

Ep 103: Meet Your New Intern: Generative AI – With John Prendergast

Ep 103: Meet Your New Intern: Generative AI – With John Prendergast

How generative AI could transform your practice.

In this episode, Laura Gregg and David Partain talk with John Prendergast, co-
founder and CEO of Blueleaf. John puts the strengths (and shortcomings) of
generative AI into context for advisors – and suggests how this “lazy intern” should
be managed.

John discusses:
● What generative AI is, how it evolved, and what it’s capable of
● Some concerns and potential risks associated with generative AI in financial
● Why advisors need to learn about generative AI before using it with clients
● And more

FlexShares Exchange Traded Funds
The Augmented Advisor
How Financial Advisors Are Leveraging Outsourcing And What The SEC Has
To Say About It

The New York Times: Artificial Intelligence
The Imitation Game

Connect With John Prendergast:
LinkedIn: John Prendergast

Connect With Laura Gregg:
Laura Gregg’s LinkedIn

Connect With David Partain:
David Partain’s LinkedIn

About Our Guest:
John Prendergast is the co-founder and CEO of Blueleaf and is an active startup
advisor. He is also an experienced entrepreneur and senior executive. As part of 6
founding teams, he has led the product management, marketing, and finance
functions. His background in banking and wealth management has shaped the
vision for Blueleaf.

Ep 102: Coaching Parents Through Some Tough Lessons – With Sarah Newcomb, Ph.D.

Ep 102: Coaching Parents Through Some Tough Lessons – With Sarah Newcomb, Ph.D.

Helping clients address multiple objectives can be fraught with any number of misconceptions, ingrained assumptions, and fears. Laura Gregg and David Partain talked with Sarah Newcomb, Ph.D., founder of The Thrive Financial Empowerment Center, to talk about balancing the desire to finance children’s higher education with the need to work toward a secure retirement. Leaning into core tenets of behavioral investing, Sarah helps to clarify some of the psychological hurdles parents face in this situation and shares practical strategies to help advisors add value to the decision-making process.

Listen in as Dr. Newcomb discusses:

● Common preconceptions that may not serve the client or the children.

● Key points that can shift the narrative in the advisor/client dialogue

● The importance of including the child in the college finance discussion

● The opportunity for parents to model financial problem-solving

● How behavioral investing concepts are becoming core competencies in the advisory industry

● And more


Connect With Sarah Newcomb:

Connect With  Laura Gregg: 

Connect With  David Partain: 

About Our Guest:

Sarah Newcomb, Ph.D. is a behavioral economist and Founder of the Thrive Financial Empowerment Center. Through writing, speaking, and coaching, she teaches people of all stripes to build lives they love with the resources they have. As a subject matter expert, Dr. Newcomb has worked with corporate behavioral science teams at HelloWallet, Morningstar, and Edward Jones, where she helps financial advisors understand and respond to aspects of psychology that affect financial decisions. In all her roles, Sarah aims to adapt the findings of academic research to practical use in the financial lives of ordinary people, and to ground innovative approaches to financial advice in well-established psychological theory.

Ep 101:  Why Succession Planning Is Essential – With Linda Willis

Ep 101:  Why Succession Planning Is Essential – With Linda Willis

Many advisors have yet to move beyond a vague idea of what a succession plan might look like, let alone formalizing one. While the concept of succession should be considered in every stage of your business, it becomes critical in the later stages.

In this episode, Laura Gregg and David Partain talk with Linda Willis, founder and CEO of Career Management Advisors Consulting (CMA) about the importance of succession planning and how to start the process. Linda discusses key considerations, timeframes and the price of procrastination.

Linda discusses: 

  • Why many advisors avoid actively creating their exit strategies
  • The importance of an emergency exit strategy at every stage of a practice.
  • How far in advance of your exit the planning should begin
  • Starting the process 
  • And more


Connect With Linda Willis:

Connect With  Laura Gregg: 

Connect With  David Partain: 

About Our Guest:

Linda Willis is a top-performing, outcome-driven financial services professional.  With a proven track record of leading global financial services businesses, she has held senior positions at major financial institutions and distinguished herself as an astute business leader and tenacious and accomplished recruiter of top talent. A former securities litigator with experience in corporate and employment law, Linda built a business career at global investment firms as well as launched and scaled her own independent RIA.  Linda’s experience across the landscape of the financial services industry, coupled with her proficiency as a skilled negotiator and over-all business manager, ensures superior results for clients seeking an M&A, succession or transition advisor. A graduate of Mercer University with a J.D., LAW, Linda has completed advanced educational and leadership programs at both Harvard University as well as the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.  Her thought leadership and insightful counsel provide CMA clients with a comprehensive and holistic engagement.

Ep 98: Your Personal Brand: Capitalize on Your Strengths – With Susan Danzig

Ep 98: Your Personal Brand: Capitalize on Your Strengths – With Susan Danzig

Creating a distinct personal brand may be the most important (and underestimated) thing you can do to attract ideal clients and enhance your practice. 

In this podcast episode, Laura Gregg and David Partain invite Susan Danzig, a certified business development coach, to discuss how your brand can help clients and prospects understand who you are and what you can provide.  

Susan discusses: 

  • The value of establishing a market niche in today’s environment 
  • How personal and corporate branding can work in tandem
  • Using your personal interests to connect with your ideal clients 
  • Why taking stock of who you serve, how you stand out, and what you offer is an ongoing process
  • And more


Connect With Susan Danzig:

Connect With  Laura Gregg: 

Connect With  David Partain: 

About Our Guest:

Susan Danzig has been consulting with financial services professionals since 1997. She helps her clients understand and clarify their true value, define their specialization and create effective marketing strategies. Susan’s specialty is brand refinement, messaging and strategic marketing to enhance a business’s market value for growth and sale.

Susan is a graduate of the University of Colorado in Boulder, a Certified Business Development Coach and a Certified Master Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner. A strong contributor to the financial services community, Susan has served as a National Board Member of the Financial Planning Association.

Ep 97: The Art of the Nudge – With Patrick Fagan

Ep 97: The Art of the Nudge – With Patrick Fagan

We know that internal biases form specific client personas which, in turn, shape a person’s approach to making financial decisions. Financial professionals can use those biases as a “nudge” rather than an obstacle to build more productive client relationships. 

In this episode, Laura Gregg and David Partain speak with Patrick Fagan, Chief Scientific Officer at Capuchin Behavioral Science, about using clients’ underlying biases to your advantage. 

Patrick discusses: 

  • How and why we all use cognitive shortcuts 
  • How to use those shortcuts as a “nudge” to build trust   
  • Helping clients accept advice that may seem contradictory to their beliefs
  • Applying nudges with different client personas
  • Focusing on emotional and functional outcomes
  • And more

Definition:  The term Alpha is used in finance as a measure of performance, indicating when a strategy or portfolio manager has managed to beat the market return or other benchmark over some period. 


Connect With Patrick Fagan:

Connect With  Laura Gregg: 

Connect With  David Partain: 

About Our Guest:

Patrick Fagan is the Chief Scientific Officer at Capuchin. Patrick is a behavioral scientist and lecturer with a decade of experience applying that scientific approach for organizations around the world, and a Sunday Times bestselling author. Previously the lead psychologist at Cambridge Analytica, Patrick is a co-founder and the Chief Scientific Officer at Capuchin Behavioural Science.



Ep 96: Reaching and Retaining Next-Generation Investors – with Ryan George

Ep 96: Reaching and Retaining Next-Generation Investors – with Ryan George

The rapid expansion of social media and artificial intelligence within the financial services space holds undeniable implications for the advisor/client dynamic – particularly when it comes to young investors. 

Ryan George, Chief Marketing Officer at Docupace, shares insights from his firm’s recent white paper — Five Ways to Capitalize on the Changing Attitudes of American Investors. Laura Gregg talks with Ryan about the needs, approaches, and attitudes of younger investors in today’s environment, and how best to engage, serve, and retain them as clients.

Ryan discusses: 

  • Why digitization and one-to-one planning and advice must co-exist 
  • Mistaken assumptions about Millennial and GenZ investors 
  • 3 ways younger Investors think about money differently 
  • Using tech to elevate the advisor/client experience 
  • Key themes to drive acquisition and retention of next-gen clients 
  • And more


Connect With Ryan George:

Connect With  Laura Gregg: 

About Our Guest:

Ryan George is the Chief Marketing Officer at Docupace, a solutions provider focused on digitizing and automating operations in the financial advice and investment industry. He serves as the company’s “chief diplomat” evangelizing the company’s people, solutions and brand across the financial services and wealth management industry. As a member of the senior executive committee, Ryan collaborates with key stakeholders across Docupace to support the company’s growth, retention, and profitability objectives. Ryan has spent all of his career within the financial advice and investment space, previously serving many as Assistant Vice President of Marketing and Communications at 1st Global. 

Ep 95: Clients Want More Than Advice; They Want A Plan – With Chazz Logue

Ep 95: Clients Want More Than Advice; They Want A Plan – With Chazz Logue

Why pay a financial advisor for services available on a host of digital platforms?  Today’s clients expect more from a paid financial professional than a diversified investment portfolio. They appreciate advice, but they expect a plan. 

In this episode, Laura Gregg speaks with Chazz Logue, Regional Director and Business Development Team Lead of Advice and Financial Planning at MassMutual, about the trends pushing advisors toward full-service planning models. 

Chazz discusses: 

  • What is driving advisors toward financial planning 
  • Why a one-and-done advisory approach often falls short 
  • The case for creating ongoing financial planning relationships 
  • Actionable ideas to make planning a larger part of your practice
  • And more


Connect With Chazz Logue:

Connect With Laura Gregg: 

Connect With  David Partain: 

About Our Guest:

Charles (Chazz) Logue is the Regional Director and Business Development Team Lead of Advice and Financial Planning at MassMutual. Through a deep understanding and in-depth knowledge of tools and options available, he and his experienced team partner with advisors to help clients articulate their goals and then develop a plan of action to make achieving their goals inevitable, including short-term liquidity needs, longer-term retirement or purchase goals and even leaving a legacy. Outside the office, Charles can be found volunteering as a Wildlife Rescuer, instructing drivers at various racetracks, working with venomous reptiles, surfing, volleyball, and enjoying theatre and the arts. 

*Basis Point definition: “A basis point is a common unit of measure for interest rates and other percentages in finance. Basis points are typically expressed with the abbreviations bp, bps, or bips.” (Fernando). 

Fernando, Jason. “Basis Points (BPS).” Investopedia, 2019, www.investopedia.com/terms/b/basispoint.asp.

*Alpha definition: “Alpha measures the amount that the investment has returned in comparison to the market index or other broad benchmark that it is compared against.” (Banton, 2022) Banton, C. (2022, May 13). Alpha vs. Beta: What Is The Difference? Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/102714/whats-difference-between-alpha-and-beta.asp