Tag: Divorce

Ep 63: Empowering Women Through Difficult Transitions — With Stacy Francis

Ep 63: Empowering Women Through Difficult Transitions — With Stacy Francis

Many women experience major life transitions like divorce or widowhood. As an advisor, you can be a key support pillar for your clients by educating and empowering them to make informed financial decisions, even during difficult times.

In this episode, Stacy Francis, President and CEO of Francis Financial and Founder of Savvy Ladies, joins Laura Gregg and David Partain to share strategies that financial advisors can use to assist and support women as they navigate the financial implications of life transitions.

Stacy Francis discusses: 

  • Her ‘why’ for building a firm focused on helping women through transition
  • How being vulnerable as an advisor can help build trust with clients
  • The number one quality women going through a divorce look for in an advisor 
  • Unveiling the Unspoken Truth, her research on women, money and divorce 
  • Resources to serve women experiencing financial and emotional transitions


Connect With Stacy Francis:

Connect With  Laura Gregg: 

Connect With  David Partain: 

About Our Guest: 

Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA®, CES™

Stacy is the President and CEO of Francis Financial, a fee-only boutique wealth management, financial planning and divorce financial planning firm dedicated to providing ongoing comprehensive advice for successful individuals, couples, and women in transition such as divorce or widowhood. She is a Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP®), Certified Divorce Financial Analyst® (CDFA®), and Certified Estate and Trust Specialist (CES™) with over 20 years of experience in the financial industry. She has mastered specialized training in the financial issues of divorce and is the Director of the Association of Divorce Financial Planners (ADFP) Greater New York Metro Chapter. Stacy is also the founder of Savvy Ladies™, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating and empowering women to take control of their finances. 

She is a nationally-recognized financial expert featured on CNBC’s Digital Financial Advisor Council, the Forbes Finance Council, Kiplinger, and The Wall Street Journal. Stacy is the host of Financially Ever After, a podcast focusing on women, money and divorce. She is also the author of the white paper, Unveiling the Unspoken Truth: The Financial Challenges Women Face During and After Divorce

Ep 57: Guiding Women Through Divorce – With Steph Wagner

Ep 57: Guiding Women Through Divorce – With Steph Wagner

While divorce rates have decreased over the last 20 years according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the rates of divorce among baby boomers are increasing. Because family wealth tends to be much higher at this age, these divorces may present complex problems for clients.

In this episode, Laura Gregg and David Partain speak with Steph Wagner, Director of Women and Wealth at Northern Trust. They explore the meaningful impact that advisors can make – both financially and emotionally — when guiding women through major life changes and steps,  advisors can take proactively to ensure couples are prepared for any unexpected transitions. 

Steph shares: 

  • Her own story of working through an unexpected transition
  • The risk of giving up your seat at the family financial table
  • The power story telling has on igniting conversations of hypothetical events
  • What to do if there appears to be financial infidelity in a relationship
  • Things to consider when a family business is involved
  • What to do – and not to do – when helping clients through a transition
  • And more


Connect With Steph Wagner:

Connect With  Laura Gregg: 

Connect With  David Partain: 

About Our Guest:

Steph Wagner, director of Women and Wealth at Northern Trust Corporation, has long advocated for women who find themselves single due to divorce or the loss of their spouse. She leads the firm’s advisory practice for women who are facing unexpected transitions and oversees our women’s initiative by elevating women. Over the years, Steph has developed a specialized expertise in utilizing financial strategies and empowering women with the resources they need to become effective stewards of their own wealth. She has worked extensively with women across the country to help them address the financial impact of widowhood, to secure equitable settlements, and marriage disillusions. And she has helped them establish a solid foundation for their next chapter